Sunday, August 1, 2010

Action Research Plan

My original action research idea involved the reasons that teachers do not integrate technology as frequently or as seamlessly into curriculum as they should. However, I have decided to change my action research topic to something more fitting in the new position I am taking on. Being new to two different campuses, and an Instructional Technology Specialist with no experience on record (in this particular position), I can imagine that some teachers may not fully trust me initially. This can be a hurtful situation to both teachers and students if my guidance and suggestions are not taken seriously. I have decided to complete action research on the following question: How can I build trusting relationships with teachers so they will have confidence in my ability as a new Instructional Technology Specialist? I plan to pursue my original wondering about why teachers are not using more technology with today's digital native students at a later time. Establishing a sense of community with the new staff members I will be working with seemed like a greater priority right now.

My current action research plan on building relationships:

Any comments, feedback, or suggestions are greatly appreciated!


  1. I think this is a great plan to address this issue. I do not see any reason to change it and will probably "borrow" it if I am ever in a position to use it.

  2. Emily, I agree with John. Great topic and plan.

    Being in a new position does pose potential problems. It is often very difficult to gain the trust of your new colleagues. I think that the part of your plan that is very important is show the faculty your exact role in the school. Many times teachers think that you are just there to "fix" the computer instead of helping them with lessons, etc. If you can emphasize your role and its importance you will have amazing succes this year!
